Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer in Scotland?

So whats with this weather eh? When I got back from the Alps at the end of April the weather was warm, the sun was out and it looked like we were going to have a lovely summer. Now, I know this is Scotland and that you can't rely on the weather but since then it seems to have been, cold, windy and generally miserable..
I have been busy with work showing visitors the joys of Edinburgh and further afield and have been really enjoying it. I have been to whisky distilleries, Falconry centres, taken people fly fishing, been to Loch Ness (monster free sadly, seen Edinburgh castle in what seems like all weathers and I have only been back in action for a month, and there is lots more to come. The next few days are pretty busy with walking tours of Edinburgh and I always enjoy them. I have my route worked out and know (more or less) how long its going to take. The great advantage of a walking tour is that there is more time to explore the nook and crannies of the city and find things that are not on the usual tourist trail. A statue of an American president, a clock made of flowers, a volcano (more than one),execution sites, literary connections and spectacular interiors of buildings. Go and and see the inside of the bank in St. Andrews Square for example.
The linking together of stories and the influence that events had on each other is a constant source of interest and for me the easiest way to remember dates, names and important points and as you wander Edinburgh there are connections all over the place.
If you haven't been to Edinburgh or Scotland come and have a look and make sure that when you have seen the cities you get into the country. Do yourself a huge favour and get off the beaten track. Seek out companies that are offering interesting things, frm whale watching to mountain biking and all points in-between. You will have a great time. Just bring a waterproof!

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